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7 Easy Steps to Create Your Facebook Business Page

Tom CaraccioMarch 3, 2022

Facebook has around 2.9 billion monthly active users so it’s not simply a social media platform business owner like you can ignore. In fact, it has become a very profitable business place to reach your target customers. To help you get started, here are the 7 easy steps to create your Facebook business page. (source: statista)

1. Create a Facebook Account or Log in

Create a Facebook Account or Log in

The first step that you need to do is to create a Facebook account or if you already have one, you can just log in to your account. Remember that you can’t create a business page without a personal account, you should also not worry because a business page won’t sync with your personal account. When you also work on a business page, you will automatically become the administrator of the page.

2. Create a Page

Once you have your personal account, you can now create a Facebook business page. There are two ways to do it:

  • The first one is by clicking the menu on the top right corner of your Facebook timeline and selecting the word page/s. If you select this, the create page will appear and you can fill out the needed information.
First way to create a Facebook business page
  • The second one is on the left side of your Facebook timeline, you can see a flag icon there named pages. After you select the pages, the pages you manage will appear. You can click the create new page button on the left side.
Second way to create a Facebook business page

3. Fill out your page information

Next, fill out the needed information for your page. Add your business name as the page name and choose the category where your business belongs. For example, if you have a mortgage business, you can add mortgage brokers as your category. Lastly, add a short description of your business that will help people to know what kind of service or product you offer.

fill out your facebook page information

After you fill out your page information, you can now click the button “Create Page.” You can also look at the preview to see what it will look like on a desktop or mobile view.

Desktop or Mobile Preview

4. Choose your page profile and cover

 Choose your page profile and cover

You can now choose your Facebook business page profile and cover. For your profile, you can choose your business logo if you want to have brand recognition or a picture of your store. It’s important that your profile picture is simple, unique, and easily recognizable to showcase your business brand.

For your Facebook cover photo, you can choose an image that is different from your profile picture. You can be creative with your cover photo, for example, you can take an image of your physical shop if you have or you can put your business tagline.

You can change your Facebook business page profile and cover anytime so you can align it with seasonal changes, promotional sales, and events. This is also a great way to attract visitors and target customers to your business page.


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5. Customize your business page

After completing the first few steps, Facebook will prompt you to add additional details about your business.

Customize your business page

You can optimize your business page by adding a unique username, adding your business location, business hours, price range, contact information, and other details. These are all optional, however, adding all the important information about your business will engage users to know more about your business and why they should avail the product or service you offer.

6. Create and upload content

You finally created your Facebook business page, it’s now time to create and upload content relevant to your business.

Take some time to plan the content you will upload as this will help your audience get engaged with your business page. You can share some updates and photos of your business, or interesting articles across the internet.

Keeping your business page active is one of the best ways to keep customers engaged, so make sure you create contents that are relevant to the needs of your target audience.

Once you upload your first content, you can send invites to like your business page to everyone. 

7. Review your business page insights and analytics

Review your business page insights and analytics

One of the advantages of having a Facebook business page is you can monitor the insights and analytics of your business. You have the chance to see the user's interaction with your business page and posts. For example, you can track the likes, comments, clicks to your website, and even the views you received from your posts. 

The page insights and analytics allow you to develop and improve your marketing strategy, as well as understand your target customers. 


The Facebook business page is an excellent platform for business owners to start with, it’s easy to use, customizable, and provides you with features where you can analyze your audience. So take advantage of this platform now to reach a wider audience and grow your business online.


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